Daniela Pereira

Daniela Pereira

I'm a sort of "Renaissance Woman" with interests ranging from the humanities to technology.

With a background in the humanities and a passion for Ancient History and Mythology, especially Greek and Chinese, I see these themes as the essential basis of cultures and societies throughout history.

Professionally, I have experience in secretarial work and organizing events and congresses. This has helped me develop skills such as communication, organization and project management.

Recently, I embarked on an adventure in the world of IT. Initially, it was to improve my skills for specific professional tasks, but I ended up becoming interested in the area. Now I'm exploring the world of Coding and I'm super excited to see where it will take me next. Who knows what exciting challenges and opportunities await me at this intersection of humanities and technology.

My journey


Weather App

Built with HTML, CSS & JavaScript


SoutĂȘlo Community Hub Project

Built with HTML & CSS


The Myth of Atalanta

Written with tears, sweat and anger issues